Tel: (246) 432 7075

first base

The Barbados Association for Supported Employment (First BASE) caters to 10 persons with developmental disabilities who are trained in the areas of food preparation, craft, agriculture and customer service along with working experience which improves their marketability and quality of life. We are Charity number 801 and were registered under the Charities Act on January 11, 2010

Our mission is to be the premier solution for providing employment opportunities to young persons with disabilities in Barbados, with a view to supporting them in establishing their rightful place as contributing, productive, employed adults within our society.

We are back!
At St. James Parish Church.

Order your lunch from us. Enjoy a delicious local lunch cooked fresh and with our creative passion.

We bake coconut bead, cassava and pumpkin pone along with other bakery products  that you will certainly enjoy.

We cater to parties and small groups up to 30 persons. Contact us today for a quote.

We produce our own local jams and fresh natural juices. We encourage you to try them. You will not be disappointed.

The covid pandemic is over and we are up and running again.
Your support is welcomed and appreciated.

A fun day at the beach!

Despite covid, the staff of First BASE enjoying a day of fun, food and fresh air compliments of the Barbados Council for the Disabled.
Their donation of lunch vouchers facilitated this fun filled day. See more pictures here >>

We always welcome donations as this gives us the possibility of doing more. Your donation is appreciated and useful to our work.

We not only want you to order your lunch from us but try our specialised catering. More importantly, tell your friends about us.

Become a corporate partner and show your clients you care. For a small yearly sum, we will give you the right to use our logo on your website and in your marketing activities. 

Open chat
Welcome to First Base. How can we help you?